Biomedical Imaging Technology Study Sections review grant applications involving basic, applied, and pre-clinical aspects of the design and development of medical imaging system technologies, their components, software, and mathematical methods for studies at the cellular, organ, small or large animal, and human scale. Study sections also make recommendations on these applications to the appropriate NIH national advisory council or board, and survey the status of research in their fields of science, providing great value to medical and allied research in the United States.
Members are selected on the basis of their demonstrated competence and achievement in their scientific discipline as evidenced by the quality of research accomplishments, publications in scientific journals, and other significant scientific activities, achievements and honors. Service on a study section also requires mature judgment and objectivity as well as the ability to work effectively in a group.
Biomedical Imaging Technology-A Study Section generally focuses on the physics and mathematics of medical imaging devices and systems for hardware and software development as well as on the application of methods of applied mathematics using iterative, non-iterative, deterministic and probabilistic approaches, and analysis of complex dynamical systems.