NREMP Graduate Program

The Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Program within the Woodruff School offers the following degrees:

  • Master of Science (M.S.), an undesignated degree
  • Master of Science in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering (M.S.N.E.)
  • Master of Science in Medical Physics (M.S.M.P.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Questions ? Contact Us

The Graduate Handbook provides outlines the Woodruff School's procedures for graduate students to receive a degree. You should carefully read the Georgia Tech Catalog and this Handbook for Woodruff School Graduate Students. A full PDF version of the handbook can be downloaded here:  

Graduate Student Handbook

If you have a question that neither the catalog nor this handbook resolves, please contact:

Office of Student Services, (404) 894-3204

NREMP Admissions

Information on how to prepare and submit an application to the graduate program. Different program options are listed.

Prospective Graduate Students

Information on graduate student funding and information on demographics, admissions, and time-to-degree for doctoral students in our programs.

NREMP General Information

Important websites, academic staff’s contact information, financial aid, fellowships, school policies, and FAQs.

NREMP Master's Degree

Requirements for the various master’s degree options, orientation, degree checklists, information on: advising, the program of study, courses, thesis process, deadlines, and applying to graduate.

NREMP Ph.D. Program

Requirements for the various Ph.D. degree options, degree checklists, information on: advising, the program of study, courses, qualifying exams, thesis process, deadlines, and applying to graduate.

NREMP Qualifying Exams

Information about the new qualifying exam procedure for NRE and MP Ph.D. students, adopted in 2021.

NREMP Courses

Registration information, lists of graduate courses, special problems courses, samples of programs of study, information on transfer credits.

NREMP Support Services

Information and links to the following: student life and services, ME student groups, accidents and injuries, office space, computers and networking, shops, laboratories and equipment purchases, and graduate student travel.


Links to all required forms for graduate students including program of study, thesis approval, degree petitions, etc.

NREMP Thesis Announcements

Upcoming and past master’s and PhD thesis proposal and defense presentation dates and location. Link to submit an announcement for a thesis presentation.