- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2014
- M.Eng Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2014
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2010
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2009
Marta Hatzell is the Woodruff Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Hatzell’s research group focuses on exploring how to electrify catalytic and separation-based processes to enable sustainable industrial systems. Her group works on materials, characterization, and system analyses for electrolysis, fuel cells, desalination, and solar energy conversion processes. Hatzell currently serves as a Senior Editor of the Journal ACS Energy Letters and is an initiative lead within the Strategic Energy Institute. Hatzell also has served as an expert on issues related to the water-energy nexus for the National Academy of Engineering.
- Electrochemical engineering
- Clean energy technologies
- Water treatment and desalination
- Water-energy nexus
- Carbon capture and conversion
- Heat and mass transfer
- Materials science and advanced characterization
Distinctions and Awards
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering Award
- Georgia Tech Early Career Research Award
- Woodruff Faculty Fellow
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Fellow
- Scialog Negative Emissions Fellow
- Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in Chemistry
- Toyota Young Investigator Award
- Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award
- Participant in US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, National Academy of Engineering, September
Representative Publications
Hatzell, Marta C. "The colors of ammonia." ACS Energy Letters 9, no. 6 (2024): 2920-2921
David, W.I., Agnew, G.D., Bañares-Alcántara, R., Barth, J., Hansen, J.B., Bréquigny, P., De Joannon, M., Stott, S.F., Stott, C.F., Guati-Rojo, A. and Hatzell, M., 2024. 2023 roadmap on ammonia as a carbon-free fuel. Journal of Physics: Energy, 6(2), p.021501.
Caceres Gonzalez, Rodrigo A., and Marta C. Hatzell. "Electrified Solar Zero Liquid Discharge: Exploring the Potential of PV-ZLD in the US." Environmental Science & Technology 58, no. 35 (2024): 15562-15574
Fernandez, Carlos A., Oliver Chapman, Marilyn A. Brown, Christian E. Alvarez-Pugliese, and Marta C. Hatzell. "Achieving decentralized, electrified, and decarbonized ammonia production." Environmental Science & Technology 58, no. 16 (2024): 6964-6977
Daramola, Damilola A., and Marta C. Hatzell. "Energy demand of nitrogen and phosphorus based fertilizers and approaches to circularity." ACS Energy Letters 8, no. 3 (2023): 1493-1501.
Huang, Po‐Wei, Hakhyeon Song, Jaeyoung Yoo, Danae A. Chipoco Haro, Hyuck Mo Lee, Andrew J. Medford, and Marta C. Hatzell. "Impact of Local Microenvironments on the Selectivity of Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction in a BPM‐MEA System." Advanced Energy Materials 14, no. 28 (2024): 2304202.
Song, Hakhyeon, Carlos A. Fernández, Hyeonuk Choi, Po-Wei Huang, Jihun Oh, and Marta C. Hatzell. "Integrated carbon capture and CO production from bicarbonates through bipolar membrane electrolysis." Energy & Environmental Science 17, no. 10 (2024): 3570-3579.
Lim, J., Liu, C.Y., Park, J., Liu, Y.H., Senftle, T.P., Lee, S.W. and Hatzell, M.C., 2021. Structure sensitivity of Pd facets for enhanced electrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia. ACS Catalysis, 11(12), pp.7568-7577.
Lim, J., Fernández, C.A., Lee, S.W. and Hatzell, M.C., 2021. Ammonia and nitric acid demands for fertilizer use in 2050. ACS Energy Letters, 6(10), pp.3676-3685.
Zheng, Yanjie, Rodrigo A. Caceres Gonzalez, Kelsey B. Hatzell, and Marta C. Hatzell. "Large-scale solar-thermal desalination." Joule 5, no. 8 (2021): 1971-1986.
Comer, Benjamin M., Porfirio Fuentes, Christian O. Dimkpa, Yu-Hsuan Liu, Carlos A. Fernandez, Pratham Arora, Matthew Realff, Upendra Singh, Marta C. Hatzell, and Andrew J. Medford. "Prospects and challenges for solar fertilizers." Joule 3, no. 7 (2019): 1578-1605.