
  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2021
  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2019
  • B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India, 2015



Karthik Menon is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the Woodruff School and the Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering. Menon graduated with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 2021, where his doctoral work focused on the flow physics of fluid-structure interactions and vortex-dominated flows. Before joining Georgia Tech, he was a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Pediatrics and the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University. At Stanford, he worked on computational methods for accurate patient-specific cardio­vascular blood flow simulations and uncertainty quantification.



Menon’s broad research interests include fluid mechanics, computational modeling, and data-driven methods. His research aims to advance interdisciplinary technology in a wide range of healthcare, engineering and energy applications. Fluid dynamics is central to some of the biggest challenges and opportunities in these domains – such as personalized treatments for cardiovascular disease, extracting renewable energy from flowing water and wind, and developing bio-mimetic flying and swimming robots. Menon’s work tackles these challenges by uncovering new physics and combining high-performance computing with data-enabled techniques.

Cardiovascular flows: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death amongst men and women globally. In 2022, 1 person died roughly every 33 seconds from heart disease. Menon’s research focuses on improving the clinical management of cardiovascular disease by developing personalized computational simulation techniques for blood flow and biomechanics informed by patient-specific clinical measurements and imaging. In collaboration with cardiologists and surgeons, this research combines engineering principles with clinical expertise to develop novel and interdisciplinary solutions to clinical challenges and medical device design. Menon’s research fuses high-fidelity and reduced-order computational modeling with multi-modal clinical data and uncertainty quantification. He aims to develop accurate and predictive cardiovascular digital twins that will improve clinical outcomes by enabling us to non-invasively estimate clinical risk, plan personalized and optimal treatments, and predict disease progression.

Fluid-structure interactions: Fluid flows interact with flexible and moving bodies in a wide range of biological and engineering applications – from heart valves to bird flight. These applications feature complex physics, due to the interaction of vortices and the forces/pressure they induce on surfaces within the flow,  which play a key role in the dynamics. For example, fish leverage these interactions to form schools with hundreds of members, to enhance their swimming performance, and to sense their environment via pressure fluctuations. In the biomedical domain, native and prosthetic heart valves, which beat billions of times in the average lifetime, are strongly affected by vortices interacting with their leaflets and sinus walls. Menon’s research focuses on developing physics-based and data-enabled computational methods to dissect the physics of these problems. This research aims to advance sustainable and efficient aerospace and underwater technology, biomedical device design, and renewable energy.


Distinctions & Awards

  • WCCM-PANACM 2024 Travel Award, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics (2024)
  • Future Faculty Symposium Travel Award, Society of Engineering Science Conference (2023)
  • Mark O. Robbins Prize in High-performance Computing, Johns Hopkins University (2021)
  • Corrsin-Kovasznay Outstanding Paper Award, Johns Hopkins University (2020)
  • Prosperetti Travel Award for excellent academic performance, Johns Hopkins University (2017)
  • Mechanical Engineering Departmental Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University (2016)


Representative Publications:

Cardiovascular flows:

K. Menon, Z. Hu and A.L. Marsden, “Cardiovascular fluid dynamics: A journey through our circulation,” Flow,
4, E7, 2024.

K. Menon, M.O. Khan, Z.A. Sexton, J. Richter, K. Nieman and A.L. Marsden, “Personalized coronary and
myocardial blood flow models incorporating CT perfusion imaging and synthetic vascular trees,” npj Imaging, 1,
9, 2024

K. Menon, J. Seo, R. Fukazawa, S. Ogawa, A.M. Kahn, J.C. Burns and A.L. Marsden, “Predictors of
myocardial ischemia in patients with Kawasaki Disease: Insights from patient-specific simulations of coronary
hemodynamics,” Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, 16, 1099-1109, 2023

Vortex-dominated flows:

K. Menon, S. Kumar and R. Mittal, “Contribution of spanwise and cross-span vortices on the lift generation of
low-aspect-ratio wings: Insights from force partitioning,” Physical Review Fluids, 7, 114102, 2022.

J. H. Seo, K. Menon and R. Mittal, “A method for partitioning the sources of aerodynamic loading noise in
vortex dominated flows,” Physics of Fluids, 34, 053607, 2022.

K. Menon and R. Mittal, “Significance of the strain-dominated region around a vortex on induced aerodynamic
loads,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 918, R3, 2021.

K. Menon and R. Mittal, “Quantifying the kinematics and induced aerodynamic loads of individual vortices in
vortex-dominated flows: A data-driven approach,” Journal of Computational Physics, 443, 110515, 2021.

Fluid-structure interactions:

K. Menon and R. Mittal, “On the initiation and sustenance of flow-induced vibration of cylinders: insights from
force partitioning,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 907, A37, 2021.

K. Menon and R. Mittal, “Dynamic mode decomposition based analysis of flow over a sinusoidally pitching
airfoil,” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 94, 102886, 2020.

K. Menon and R. Mittal, “Flow physics and dynamics of flow-induced pitch oscillations of an airfoil,” Journal
of Fluid Mechanics
, 877, 582–613, 2019.