Heat Transfer, Combustion, and Energy Systems

The Heat Transfer, Combustion, and Energy Systems Research Group is one of the largest and most diverse thermal and energy science group in the country.  The group is involved in a wide range of cutting edge basic and applied research from nanoengineered materials to large thermal energy systems.  The group has particular strengths in the areas of microscale and nanoscale conduction and radiation, thermal management of electronic devices, HVAC and refrigeration, combustion, and renewable energy systems.  The group occupies state of the art laboratory space that includes extensive labs in the Love Building and new facilities in the North Avenue Research Area that includes the Carbon Neutral Energy Solutions Laboratory.  The group is very active in sponsored research with funding from sponsors such as DARPA, NSF, ONR, AFOSR, ARO, DOE, ARPA-E, and a large number of industrial partners.

Research Area Group Chair

Peter Loutzenhiserpeter.loutzenhiser@me.gatech.edu

Research Faculty

Professor, Joseph Anderer Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor by Courtesy
Associate Professor
Senior Research Engineer
Assistant Professor
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Hightower Chair in Engineering
Associate Professor
Chair in Thermal Systems
Woodruff Professor, Associate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Senior Research Engineer
Assistant Professor
Research Engineer I
Retired Associate Professor
Distinguished Chair
Senior Research Engineer
Frank H. Neely Professor, Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Chair for Research, Carter N. Paden, Jr. Distinguished Chair, Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
President Emeritus
Eugene C. Gwaltney, Jr. School Chair
Adjunct Professor
Senior Research Engineer
J. Erskine Love, Jr. Professor
Professor Emeritus